Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Hydrogen and the Clean Energy Transition

This webinar will present existing hydrogen technologies and the innovation which is accelerating the transition from natural gas to hydrogen. It is aimed at Home Builders, Commercial Contractors, Facilities Management companies and their supply chain suppliers/sub-contractors, interested in the drivers and timescales for hydrogen to become a viable, scalable alternative to natural gas.

This webinar will present existing hydrogen technologies and the innovation which is accelerating the transition from natural gas to hydrogen.

It is aimed at Home Builders, Commercial Contractors, Facilities Management companies and their supply chain suppliers/sub-contractors, interested in the drivers and timescales for hydrogen to become a viable, scalable alternative to natural gas.

Our session will include presentations from the Energy Network Association and several Distribution Network Operators working on current pilot projects to use hydrogen in the home and/or commercial settings - such as HyDeploy and H100Fife.

School Partners and Members will gain more understanding on the implications for building and construction supply chains as the transition to hydrogen takes place.

Speakers / presenters will be managers and engineers from organisations leading gas transmission and distribution projects, including:

  • National Grid
  • Northern Gas Networks
  • SGN
  • Cadent
  • Energy Networks Association

We also aim to include presentations from a boiler manufacturer to discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the adoption of hydrogen into the gas network.

NB: this event does not include hydrogen fuel cell technologies used in industrial plant / equipment / vehicles.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM