Due Diligence in Combatting Modern Slavery Workshop- Octavius


A 4 hour workshop introducing you to the topic of Modern Slavery.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

What is this session about?

Join Octavius at this workshop to understand what modern slavery is, the risks of slavery within the supply chain and to look at what due diligence processes should look like for your organisation in order to combat labour exploitation. 

What will I achieve?

By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Gain an improved understanding of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
  • Recognise the features of an effective awareness raising and training programme.
  • Understand how to incorporate considerations to combatting modern slavery into the recruitment process.
  • Appreciate why worker empowerment is so critical, and how to approach it.
  • Be confident in what’s good practice around grievance and remediation.
  • Appreciate why good leadership and commitment is crucial, as well as the need for a risk based, prioritised approach to procurement.
  • Have an insight into the types of KPIs and measures you can use to monitor and report performance.

What are the technical requirements?  

You will need:  

  • Internet connection 
  • A computer with microphone and camera is best (e.g. a PC/laptop/iMac/MacBook) 
  • Earphones/headphones/speakers (preferable) 
  • A tablet/iPad/smart phone/iPhone to load facilitation tools 

If you have any questions about this session please contact Alice.


Modern Slavery

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