COP 26: One Year On - Business Bytes


Explore the legacy of COP26 with industry experts. What has changed? What progress have we made? And what is the outlook for tackling climate change?

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

What is the session about?

One year on from COP26 and we’re already at COP27. What has changed? What progress have we made? And what is the outlook for tackling climate change?

During this Business Bytes, you will hear from experts from across our sector on their views for how action is being driven on carbon and climate - What differences they are seeing and how the objectives and targets on mitigation AND adaptation are being realised.

Our panellists will have 15 minutes each to present their viewpoints, facilitated by James Cadman, followed by a moderated Panel Q&A. Here participants can ask what they have seen changing, whether that’s technology, ways of working, innovative solutions, policy and legislation or behaviours to tackle climate change. And importantly, their look into the future.

Meet the panel:

  • Sarah-Jane Davies , Head of Sustainability UK & Group Civils, John Sisk & Son Ltd
  • Sila Danik Dirihan, Sustainability Marketing Manager, Saint-Gobain Interior Solutions 
  • Gareth Rondel, Head of Sustainability Delivery, Barratt Developments Plc

What will I achieve?

By joining this session you will:

  • Understand what progress we have made against COP26 targets
  • Understand climate change scenarios, and the risks and opportunities associated 
  • Hear about the innovative ways industry leaders are tackling climate change
  • See what the future holds from the developments in COP27

What level is the session and do I need any particular skills?

This is a beginner-level session and assumes you have limited knowledge of the topic.

What are the technical requirements?

You will need:

  • Internet connection
  • A computer with microphone and camera is best (e.g. a PC/laptop/iMac/MacBook)
  • Earphones/headphones/speakers (preferable)
  • A tablet/iPad/smart phone/iPhone to load facilitation tools

For any inquiries, please contact 


Change Management, Energy and Carbon, Environmental Management, Sustainability Strategy
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure, Heritage
120 mins

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