The Wellbeing Benefits of Offsite Construction - Virtual Conference


A 2 hour virtual conference examining the benefits of offsite construction to site on the mental well-being of its site managers.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Tuesday, 1 October 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

To mark the launch of the Supply Chain Sustainability School's "The Wellbeing Benefits of Offsite Construction" report, this Virtual Conference brings together experts from the offsite sector to talk about the way they measure their team members' wellbeing and any observable differences between site managers on 'traditional' vs 'offsite' projects.

What is this virtual conference about? 

The construction industry represents one of the most physically dangerous environments for its workforce, but the level of mental ill-health is unacceptably high as well. The effect on the workforce of a wide range of stressors is serious and leads, in the worst cases, to suicides at rates much higher than the general population.

During his research for an MSc in Offsite Housing Construction, the Supply Chains Sustainability School's consultant David Emery found evidence that the greater project certainty that derives from the use of offsite construction seems to reduce the stressors on site managers with consequent benefits to their mental wellbeing and he proposes, therefore, that this factor should be taken into account when assessing how projects might be delivered.

What will I achieve?

By attending this virtual conference, you will:

  • Learn about the unacceptable levels of mental ill-health in the construction industry
  • Discover the consequences for the sufferers and the behaviours that can result
  • Understand the cost of mental ill-health to the economy
  • Recognise the benefits that can derive from the greater project-certainty that offsite construction delivers
  • Hear about the case for including workforce well-being in any measure of project value

Who is this session suitable for?

This virtual conference will benefit clients, project managers, site managers, HR Personnel, mental health professionals, recruiters.

What are the technical requirements?  

You will need:  

  • An internet connection 

  • A computer with a microphone and camera is best (e.g. a PC/laptop/iMac/MacBook) 

  • Earphones/headphones/speakers (preferable) 

  • A tablet/iPad/smartphone/iPhone to load facilitation tools

Can I invite a colleague? 

Yes, you can invite as many colleagues as you’d like. Simply follow the instructions when you click through to register under ‘Add or cancel additional attendees’. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact or

Events list

Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure
120 mins

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