FIR Leadership Training - Tilia Homes


A full-day 2-part workshop on FIR leadership training for Tilia Homes.

In person

Date & time

Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tilia Homes logo

What is the course about? 

This workshop aims to equip participants with essential information, perspectives, and cross-functional learnings to actively promote Fairness, Inclusion & Respect (FIR) within their leadership roles at Tilia Homes. It offers senior leaders and directors the opportunity to align FIR principles with business objectives, fostering a safe and engaging environment for challenging, questioning, and learning from one another. 


What will we cover? 

1. Morning session – FIR in Leadership 

In this structured session, we will delve into key FIR concepts and issues pertinent to leadership roles. Through interactive discussions and self-reflection exercises, participants will gain insights and practical strategies to actively promote FIR within Tilia Homes. 


2. Afternoon session – Addressing FIR Challenges 

Building upon the foundation laid in the morning session, this segment provides a platform for candid discussions on complex FIR themes and challenges. Participants will engage in open dialogue, addressing common issues faced by senior leaders both within and beyond the organisational scope. 


What will I achieve? 

By the conclusion of this workshop, participants will: 

  • Understand the significance of Fairness, Inclusion, and Respect (FIR) in organisational leadership. 

  • Be better placed to implement FIR practices effectively in their daily leadership roles. 

  • Recognise the alignment between FIR initiatives and broader business objectives. 

  • Be able to evaluate the impact of inclusive behaviour on team dynamics and organisational culture. 

  • Be equipped with strategies to navigate FIR-related challenges within and outside the business context. 


Attendance and Logistics 

Please note that this is a full-day workshop consisting of two 2.5-hour interactive sessions with a working lunch in between. Pre-reading materials and preparation exercises will be distributed ahead of the workshop to optimize engagement. Participants are encouraged to raise any queries or topics for discussion with the facilitator beforehand. 

Lunch will be provided during the intermission break. Kindly inform Berta Santos or Justine Yeomans of any dietary preferences or restrictions. 

For inquiries or assistance, please reach out to Berta Santos at


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
360 mins

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