Developing a Sustainability Strategy - Webinar


A 1 hour beginner level webinar teaching you the basics of developing a sustainability strategy.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Thursday, 18 July 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

What is the session about?

This introductory webinar is designed to help businesses understand the steps they need to take to develop a sustainability strategy proportionate to their size and type of business. 

You will be given an overview of the key concepts in a sustainability strategy and understand how to prioritise the various sustainability impacts. You will also be given initial ideas to take away on how you can start to develop your own organisational sustainability strategy. 

What will I achieve?

On completion of this session, you will:

  • Understand the importance of improving sustainability and why it matters to your business
  • Understand the benefits of having a framework for improving sustainability
  • Understand how to start developing your own sustainability strategy

What level is the session and do I need any particular skills?

This is a beginner level session, aimed at those at the start of their journey in developing a sustainability strategy for their business. It is relevant to anyone wanting to get an initial understanding of sustainability and hot to develop this internally. 

What can I expect from a webinar?

Webinars are a quick introduction to a topic, 45-60 mins to fit around your busy schedule. 

What are the attendance requirements?

Please arrive promptly and stay for the duration. This means arriving no later than 10 minutes to the session and attending the full hour.To receive your CPD accreditation and for this to be tracked through your Supply Chain Sustainability School dashboard make sure your full name is reflected on your Zoom account when you join the session.  

Can I invite a colleague? 

Yes, you can invite as many colleagues as you’d like. Simply follow the instructions when you click through to register under ‘Add or cancel additional attendees’. 

If you have any questions, please contact

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Sustainability Strategy
60 mins

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