Thursday, 23 November 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tackling Modern Slavery in UK Services and Infrastructure Sectors – BSA Modern Slavery Council Toolkit.

A 1 hour webinar on the BSA Toolkit for Tackling Modern Slavery.


In June 2023, the BSA Modern Slavery Council published a Toolkit for Tackling Modern Slavery in the facilities management and infrastructure industries. The Toolkit provides businesses in the service and infrastructure projects sector with a best-practice guide on addressing the risks of modern slavery and supports them to implement effective management systems to prevent, detect and report instances of exploitation in their own structures as well as in their supply chains. 

What will I achieve?

By attending this webinar you will:


  • Find out about the current landscape of modern slavery in the FM and infrastructure sector – where do the risks lie?
  • Be more confident to review the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures related to modern slavery and labour exploitation
  • Discover how Sodexo plans to use the guide in their own operations and supply chain
  • Gain top tips and practical insights on how to tackle some of the challenges
  • Find out how the Supply Chain Sustainability School can help

 Recommended audience: Everyone has a role to play in identifying, preventing and mitigating the risks of modern slavery and labour exploitation. This webinar will therefore benefit anyone across a business - including Human Resources; procurement; operations and technical; and corporate responsibility and sustainability staff.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Thursday, 23 November 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM