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Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tackling Modern Slavery in Solar PV Supply Chains: Challenges, Drivers, and Practical Guidance
What is this webinar about?
This is the first in our webinar series: Spotlight on addressing modern slavery and labour exploitation in solar PV supply chains. Uncover unique elements of modern slavery due diligence in each session, starting with an exploration of the challenges specific to solar PV, the business drivers and an introduction to Action Sustainability’s Procurement Guidance.
Solar PV is one of the fastest growing renewable technologies and has a vital role to play in helping mitigate climate change, enabling a transition to a low-carbon economy. Yet, significant evidence and allegations from credible sources, including Sheffield Hallam University’s ‘In Broad Daylight: Uyghur Forced Labour and Global Supply Chains’ have exposed how the solar PV industry is particularly vulnerable to forced labour – a form of modern slavery.
This year, for the first time, the Global Slavery Index 2023 has spotlighted solar PV, reporting US$14.8 billion of solar PV imported by the G20 are at risk of containing modern slavery. Organisations can no longer ignore issues of modern slavery within their organisation and supply chain. Sanctions for non-compliance with international due diligence legislation are rising. The ever-present threat of modern slavery tarnishing your reputation persists. Investors are demanding more ethical considerations and social responsibility. There's an urgent need to build supply chain resilience - the time to act is now.
Why should I attend?
- Hear about the complex challenges around modern slavery and labour exploitation in solar PV supply chains and other renewable energy technologies
- Find out about Action Sustainability’s procurement guidance, what the guidance includes, who it’s for, how to use it and how it will benefit your business.
- Explore the business drivers, why this topic matters, and future challenges.
- Get access to the practical procurement tools, templates, and top tips, covering right through from identifying and managing risk, through to the role of verification and transparency.
- Learn about upcoming events to support your due diligence in solar PV procurement.
Who should attend?
Target audience: This webinar will benefit organisations of all sizes, in any country, across both the public and private sector. Targeting:
• Anyone involved in the procurement of solar PV - from solar farms to small solar PV installers, or products which contain solar PV - for example, lighting rigs or welfare cabins.
• Anyone who influences any element of the procurement cycle of solar PV – from designers and specifiers, through to contract managers and supplier relationship managers.
Session difficulty: This session is open to all levels of expertise and professionals from all sectors who are interested in modern slavery risk.
About the speaker
Emma-Jane Allen – Senior Consultant, modern slavery and human rights, Action Sustainability (AIEMA, FIR Ambassador)
EJ has worked in the field of sustainability and sustainable supply chains for more than 20 years, working with clients across construction, homes, rail, utilities, facilities management, healthcare and defence. EJ is passionate about the ‘People’ element of sustainability and the need for a ‘Just Transition’. She supports clients in developing and delivering sustainable supply chain engagement strategies and is an experienced trainer and presenter, having developed and delivered CPD training to more than 2,000 individuals in the last year on modern slavery / human rights, employment conditions, social value / PPN 06/20 and supply chain engagement.
EJ has recently co-authored and Project Managed Procurement Guidance: Addressing Modern Slavery and Labour Exploitation in Solar PV Supply Chains –a Finalist in the EDIE Awards 2024. EJ led the development of the Construction and Homes markets in the Supply Chain Sustainability School and now leads the School’s Modern Slavery Group – the UK’s largest anti-slavery collaboration in the built environment
Have a look at the other webinars in this series:Tackling Modern Slavery in Solar PV Supply Chains: Navigating Risk | 29 February 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tackling Modern Slavery in Solar PV Supply Chains – Procurement & Due Diligence Webinar | 7 March 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tackling Modern Slavery in Solar PV Supply Chains - The role of social auditing and transparency | 14 March 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
If you have any questions, please get in touch with
Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM