Increase your disability disclosure rates - FIR Webinar


Hear a great case study from GRAHAM and adopt some new techniques to increase your organisation's disability disclosure rates. 

Online - Webinar

Date & time

Friday, 6 December 2019, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Disability disclosure assures employees receive appropriate workplace accommodations. It can also help employers respond to diversity and inclusion initiatives. GRAHAM construction share their initiatives to increase disability disclosure rates.

Hear about:

  • GRAHAM's CONNECT programme, driving their people processes
  • People policies which consider role flexibility and adjustments
  • Preventing employee absenteeism and addressing other wellbeing challenges
This webinar is exclusively tailored for FIR Ambassadors. You’ll need a School account to register for this webinar, create one here. 

If you have any questions, please email Sara


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure
60 mins

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