Webinar: Business Case of FIR


Understand the what, why and how of FIR. Increase your supply chain engagement on the FIR agenda

Online - Webinar

Date & time

Friday, 20 March 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

This webinar is open to all

It is vital to get supply chain engagement on the FIR agenda to ensure that workplaces are better for everyone within the industry. Join us on this webinar to hear from Maria Coulter (FIR Trainer and Construction Coach) on this significant topic. 

By the end of the webinar, you will:

  • Gain practical tools to increase the engagement of supply chain/SMEs
  • Understand What FIR means and why it matters
  • How to progress FIR within your own organisation
  • Know where to go for more information
If you have any questions, please email Sara

Current School status re: Coronavirus (COVID-19): We want to ensure you that the School will continue to provide the highest quality learning to you amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. We will continue to do this by changing the format of our face to face activities (workshops, full and half day supplier briefings, meetings) and broadcasting them remotely via a webinar forma (or similar alternative). We hope you find this move reassuring so that you can still access all of our free training in a safe environment.

We are continuing to monitor the situation as it evolves and will adjust our approach accordingly so please keep an eye out for our emails and on our website.


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure
60 mins

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