VIRTUAL: Becoming a FIR Ambassador Workshop


Taking positive action and becoming a FIR Ambassador


Date & time

Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Highways England, HS2 and Network Rail host this workshop

Do you want to take practical actions to make your workplace even better, for everyone?

FIR Ambassadors promote a culture of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect within the organisation in which they work. They are expected to embody the principles of FIR: work collaboratively, whilst stepping in to take action, challenge behaviours and positively impact workplace culture. To start your journey, you'll need to complete the "FIR Ambassador pre-training" learning pathway and register/attend this workshop.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Discuss the barriers to fairness, inclusion and respect (FIR) and how they can be overcome
  • Produce your own FIR action plan
  • Meet other FIR Ambassadors
  • Gain Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, to add to your professional profile
  • Sign a FIR Ambassador Commitment and join the Ambassador’s Network
Register to attend this workshop firstly. 

Enrol and complete the pre-training before attending the workshop:

  1. Log in to the Supply Chain Sustainability School and go to your dashboard by clicking on your profile in the top right hand corner
  2. Under the section ‘My Learning Pathways’, click ‘View Available Pathways’
  3. Find the "FIR Ambassador pre-training" pathway in the list and click ‘Enrol’
  4. Go back to your dashboard by clicking on your profile in the top right hand corner
  5. Under the section ‘My Learning Pathways’, click ‘Enrolled Pathways' - You’ll see a list of all of the learning pathways that you are enrolled on. Click ‘View Pathway’
  6. The list of resources required to complete the learning pathway will drop down. Take your time to begin completing the resources. They don’t need to be accessed in one sitting – the tick mark will show once the resource has been completed.
  7. Once complete, the badge will show in your dashboard within ‘Badges’

If you have any questions about this workshop or learning pathway, please email Sara 


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
210 mins

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