VIRTUAL: Understanding the digital competency of your team roundtable


A roundtable on how digital technologies will affect the roles of those who work in the construction industry.

Online - Webinar

Date & time

Thursday, 29 April 2021, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Digital technologies are set to revolutionise construction processes and the ways in which we design, manage, construct and maintain buildings and infrastructure. By attending this round table you will:

  • Hear from digital experts in Costain, Buildspace UK, Construction Industry Training Board what we mean by digital competency
  • Explore what new skills and knowledge are needed
  • Understand who needs these new skills
  • Discover which skills are common to us all and which are role specific
  • Learn how to assess the digital competency of your team
This roundtable is part of our Embedding Digital in Construction launch event. This will launch 'Downloading a Digital Mindset’, a new Digital topic area in the School. We highly recommend attending the launch event prior to this workshop. 

For more information please contact


Digital Adoption
Scotland, Wales, Construction, Homes, Infrastructure
60 mins

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