VIRTUAL: Net Zero Carbon Homes - Does offsite construction provide a solution? Business Bytes


Residential buildings contribute a sizeable proportion of carbon emissions and governments have set  challenging decarbonisation targets whilst needing to meet demand for new housing. How can offsite construction techniques help us meet this challenge?

Online - Webinar

Date & time

Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Attending this conference will help you to better understand the how offsite construction can help society meet the challenge of Net Zero Carbon homes. If we take the opportunity to design in energy and resource efficiency into the production of offsite homes and then manufacturer and assemble them to higher standards, we have the potential to build homes at scale with minimal whole life carbon impacts and contribute to the challenge of retrofit.

Are you a contractor or supplier looking for innovative solutions? Drawing on experience from the UK and French markets, this conference will provide a valuable insight into new offsite technologies, materials, and processes for delivery of low-carbon housing and retrofit. Live English / French translation will be provided through our virtual conference language channels.

By attending this conference, you will:

  • Understand what contributes most carbon through the process of manufacture, construction, use and end of life of a residential unit.
  • Learn about different kinds of low carbon offsite construction materials and systems from industry leaders.
  • Appreciate how we can accelerate the uptake of offsite solutions in the residential market.
  • Hear how design and procurement functions can influence reduced carbon and increased use of offsite .
  • Help foster collaboration across borders and between the construction stages.

Attendance is free, to book your place please click on the link below.


Collaboration, Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Energy and Carbon, Offsite Manufacture, Onsite Assembly, Waste and Resource Efficiency
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure
120 mins

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