Friday, 11 June 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

VIRTUAL: Offsite for Designers Workshop

Architects and designers: how to design for offsite construction

Have you attended an ‘Offsite Fundamentals workshop’, completed the Offsite Systems e-learning, or do you already know the fundamentals of offsite? If so, we invite you to attend this workshop which builds on the fundamentals of offsite.

This interactive workshop is aimed at designers and architects and will provide them with a greater understanding of:

  • Getting the brief right at the front end: understanding the RIBA Plan of Work
  •  Learning to articulate client requirements in a way that does not preclude offsite
  •  Optioneering – available systems and when to use which system
  • The implications of offsite vs. traditional construction
  • Collaborationstandardisation and reusable design (platform design and reusable design)
  • Design demarcation and responsibility of parties
  • Design freeze: early certainty and early engagement
  • Implications for: onsite assembly (including lifting); logistics; climate change and impact on sustainability issues; performance gap.


Date & time

Friday, 11 June 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM