FIR Ambassador's Networking - Workshop


Network with fellow FIR Amassadors

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Wednesday, 14 July 2021, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

This session is exclusively open to FIR Ambassadors.

By working together as a network of FIR Ambassadors, we can help shape and inspire a positive culture change within our organisations. We are keen to provide a space for FIR Ambassadors to come together to share best practice, inspire one another and in doing so, we will help shape our industry to become fairer and more inclusive for everyone. To help facilitate thisyou are invited to join this sessionexclusively open to FIR Ambassadors.

What will we cover?

      1. Roundtable Discussions: A chance to share ideas and learn what organisations are doing on diversity awareness days, wellbeing initiatives and how they’re upskilling colleagues on FIR
      2. An opportunity to discuss any FIR challenges and gain support from the network
      3. Hear from Mobile VMS, an SME that has embedded a successful Menopause Policy. Learn about the process and the impact this had from a FIR perspective.
      4. Network and learn from other FIR Ambassadors

This is a really great opportunity for you to ask any questions you have and understand how the School can help you progress your FIR Ambassador Learning Journey. We look forward to seeing you there. 

If you have any questions, please email Sara


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
120 mins

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