VIRTUAL: Inclusive Recruitment - The FIR Way: Workshop


Learn to recruit inclusively, in a fair, inclusive and respectful way!

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Friday, 3 September 2021, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

An interactive, engaging, drama-based livestream workshop, designed to inform and encourage inclusive recruitment. The course forms part of the bigger journey to positively change the culture of the organisation to ensure it is sustainable.
Don’t worry! At no point will you be asked to act! All we ask is that you attend the session with a willingness to learn and a growth mindset

This course is aimed at anyone involved in the recruitment process. 

This Masterclass will allow learners to: 

  • Have an understanding of how an inclusive workforce benefits an organisation
  • Recognise the importance of creating a good first impression and the implications of getting it wrong 
  • Gain an appreciation of the barriers potential candidates might face and understand what reasonable adjustments can be made
  • Be better equipped to improve recruitment outcomes by ensuring that the documentation and selection processes are fair and inclusive
  • Be aware of how our biases can inadvertently undermine the recruitment and selection process
  • Have an awareness that inclusive recruitment is just one step towards an inclusive workforce, the existing workforce adopting a culture of inclusivity and acceptable behaviours is just as integral to achieve this.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact Sara 


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure, Heritage
270 mins

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