Creating an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Workplace - Masterclass


A 2-hour workshop to discuss creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace. This workshop will be delivered virtually online. See the ‘what is the workshop about?’ section for more details below.

Zoom - Online

Date & time

Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

What is the workshop about?

The LGBTQ+ community is underrepresented in the workplace in general, and in construction in particular. As a result, many feel excluded at work, are more likely to experience microaggressions, feel unable to be open at work, or need  to frequently correct assumptions about their personal lives.

The trans community experience frequent barriers to inclusion in the workplace. They are twice as likely to hear sexist jokes about people of their gender, three times more likely to feel they can’t talk about their life outside work and 32% more likely to frequently think about leaving their job.

What will we cover?

By enabling a culture that creates a positive work experience for LGBTQ+ colleagues, businesses are better placed to support and encourage fairness, inclusion and respect, across these dimensions.

There are clear benefits for businesses that get it right: improved financial performance, stronger innovation, less attrition, and a more engaged workforce.

What will I achieve?

By the end of the course you should know how to...

·       Raise awareness of issues continuing to affect LGBTQ+ communities

·       Be clear on LGBTQ+ history and legislation

·       Be comfortable to explore LGBTQ+ terminology and the evolution of language

·       Increase trans awareness

·       Increase intersex awareness

·       Steps to take to create an inclusive working environment

·       How to be an ally

What can I expect from a Workshop?

Workshops are interactive training with audience participation to give you a firmer understanding of how you can implement change in your business. They take around 2-3 hours with around 20 other participants.

You may be required to use variety of facilitation tools, such as MentiMeter and Jamboard which will help you and the trainer get real-time input. You will be given clear instructions on how to use these within the workshop.

What are the attendance requirements?

You may be sent reading materials or supporting documents prior to the workshop, so be sure to check your inbox so you are up to speed.

These sessions have limited spaces, so before booking please ensure you can attend, and can meet the full attendance requirements.

Please arrive promptly and stay for the duration of the event. This means arriving no later than 10 minutes late to the workshop and attending the full 2 hours. No recordings will be available of the live session.

Please note, if you fail to meet the attendance requirements, unfortunately you will not be issued a CPD Certificate.

What are the technical requirements?

You will need:

·       Internet connection

·       A computer with microphone and camera is best (e.g. a PC/laptop/iMac/MacBook)

·       Earphones/headphones/speakers (preferable)

·       A tablet/iPad/smart phone/iPhone to load facilitation tools


Fairness Inclusion and Respect
Scotland, Wales, Construction, FM, Homes, Infrastructure, Heritage
120 mins

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